Stanley bioshock 2
Stanley bioshock 2

stanley bioshock 2


Lamb is a trained psychologist who wants to use ADAM to entirely destroy individuality and the individual itself so she can substitute it with a fully realized collectivist, a utopian without free will who would only do what the “common good” demands. And the crumbling ruins of Rapture are ruled by Dr.

stanley bioshock 2

The Story of Bioshock 2īioshock 2 is set in Rapture eight years after the end of the first Bioshock. In this article, after giving a brief overview of the story of Bioshock 2, I will these themes, how they play out in the game, and what they tell us about the meaning of family and the necessity of mercy in our modern age. Depending on what Delta does to survive, whether he chooses vengeance against those who have harmed himself and others or whether he chooses to have mercy on them and spare them, has a meaningful impact on who Eleanor will become and the outcome of the game. In the process of this story the player is given the option to either kill or spare important non-player characters (NPCs) and the Little Sisters. Through the story and gameplay Bioshock 2 presents us with two different concepts of family, the atheist science cult of Sophia Lamb called the Rapture Family and the relationship between the player’s character, a Big Daddy named Subject Delta and the rebellious Eleanor Lamb (daughter of the aforementioned Sophia Lamb.) The main goal of the story is for Subject Delta to make his way across the broken remains of Rapture, rescue Eleanor from her mother by any means necessary, and help her escape Rapture forever. Instead of subverting the story for the sake of pushing ideology, as the other two Bioshock games did, Bioshock 2 is about two things – family and mercy. As a result the game’s story doesn’t crash and burn within the first hour of playing it and actually builds up to a meaningful and emotionally powerful conclusion that has a serious and substantial moral at its core.īioshock 2 is, at its core, a morality play.

stanley bioshock 2

As a result it avoids the big moments/poor storytelling that was a highlight of the other games (as discussed in our reviews for Bioshock and Bioshock Infinite.) There aren’t so many story contradictions and Thomas and his crew knew a great deal more about what they were talking about than Levine did Objectivism, religion, and capitalism. Unlike the first Bioshock and Bioshock Infinite, both of which were written and directed by Ken Levine, Bioshock 2 was developed completely separately by the gaming studio 2K and directed by Jordan Thomas. This is true both in terms of gameplay and story. In fact, the dialogs here are identical, only the first part of the animation that we will see differs.I just finished Bioshock 2 and I can say without equivocation that it is the best Bioshock game. If we don't want to sacrifice ourselves, we will see a variation of the typical bad ending. Dlatego tez, jesli w trakcie gry z jakichs powodów zdarzalo nam sie Siostrzyczki nie tylko ratowac, ale i usmiercac - bedziemy musieli zadecydowac o wlasnym poswieceniu, lub ratunku (ciezko go jednak nazwac pelnowartosciowa egzystencja). What's interesting is that we get a choice at the gray end, when we probably won't expect it. One of the possible ways to choose will allow us to make a decision about the completion that we want to see. Only then will the "former" Alexander open a special button that will disable his current figure. The fact is that, having received the key that allows us to open the secret passage to Persephone, we must wait a few minutes at the control panel located in front of the large tank. Gilbert, if we're in a hurry, it's easy to miss the opportunity to kill him. Rzeczonymi szczesliwcami whose lives we have to decide are: Grace Holloway ( Pauper's Drop), Stanley Poole ( Dionysus Park) and Gilbert Alexander ( Fontaine Futuristics). W przeciwienstwie do czesci pierwszej, gdzie czynnikiem determinujacym bylo nasze postepowanie wzgledem Siostrzyczek, tym razem wybór oparty zostal o warunek dodatkowy, czyli podjete przez nas decyzje o oszczedzeniu, lub eksterminacji spotykanych w trakcie gry, istotnych dla fabuly, postaci. They differ slightly from each other - they aren't completely separate endings. BioShock 2 has a total of 4 different endings.

Stanley bioshock 2